by Odysseus
While the last few articles in The Cassandra Times seem to be about exposing unacknowledged espionage efforts by the United States government, the coverage is not a deliberate editorial choice. It is just an area with sparse media coverage elsewhere, and, thus, we are forced to carry the standard.
Once again, we address what seems to be a covert effort by the Shadow Government of former (and current de-facto) President Barack Obama. This time, it is a covert effort to rescue Hamas leadership from Israeli forces closing in on its last stronghold in Gaza, Rafah.
Public and media pressure to save Hamas from the consequences of its genocidal actions on October 7, 2023 does not appear to be slowing Israeli resolve to end the terrorist organization. Thus, Joe Biden, the public face of the Obama Shadow Government, opted to deploy the necessary structure to evacuate the leaders of Hamas. Publicly released information about the operation reveals that this is its likely true purpose.
After discussing what has been spoon-fed to the public, we will analyze why this public information does not make sense, and why we believe the actual purpose of the operation is to safely evacuate Hamas leadership elements from Gaza, before they are utterly destroyed.
President Joe Biden has announced that American military vessels are being sent to Gaza for “humanitarian” reasons. It has been publicly reported that four United States “Army” supply ships are leaving Joint Base Langley-Eustis on March 12th, for a month-long voyage to the Mediterranean Sea and Gaza, to construct a “pier”. Their purported mission is to “build a floating dock”, creating a new port for Gaza in the midst of a war zone. It is thought that the pier is expected to be as much as 1,800 feet long and suitable for two lanes of traffic. The Pentagon has said it could facilitate transport of up to 2 million meals a day.
These four ships follow the General Frank S. Besson, which apparently has already embarked, to the destination and laden with “construction equipment”. One of the vessels that left on March 12th is the LSV SP/4 James A. Loux. The USAV SP4 James A. Loux (LSV-6) will sail at the head of a column of three smaller landing craft – USAV Montorrey (LCU-2030), USAV Matamoros (LCU-2026) and USAV Wilson Wharf (LCU-2011) –
It is publicly reported that the Army will lead the joint logistics over-the-shore, known as a JLOTS, operation using modular sections of floating causeway to create temporary piers to ferry goods ashore from deep-draft roll-on, roll-off vessels or container cargo ships. Publicly, the US military spokespeople have said that the cargo ships will offload their cargo on floating platforms that are two to three miles off of the pier and the material will then get ferried to the “trident” pier that will be anchored to the shore.
On Tuesday, Navy officials said that it is dispatching Naval Beach Group 1 from San Diego, California to assist with the operation. “Naval Beach Group 1 is the sole Navy unit to conduct Improved Navy Lighterage System (INLS) missions. The INLS is a causeway system that resembles a floating pier comprised of interchangeable modules and is used to transfer cargo from ships to shore areas where conventional port facilities are unavailable or inadequate,” reads a statement from the Navy.
The US Navy is also sending the logistics ship MV Roy P. Benavidez (T-AKR-306), a former military sealift ship that had been transferred to the Maritime Administration’s Ready Reserve Force. Benavidez, a 35,000-ton Bob Hope-class roll-on, roll-off ship, is specifically designed to handle complex off-shore logistics missions, including carrying the modular pier components that make up the offshore platform. Given the ship’s reserve status, it will take five days to get the ship ready and about two-weeks to transit the Atlantic, a Navy official told USNI News.
In addition to the Army vessels that departed on Tuesday, the modular pieces of the pier and the off-shore platforms – called the modular causeway system – are being assembled in the James River and will be carried separately by an unspecified strategic vessel.
President Joe Biden has promised that the U.S. military would not set foot in Israel. Pentagon Press Secretary Secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder reinforced this viewpoint when he told reporters last week that the JLOTS operation would require more than 1,000 U.S. troops to assemble and crew the pier, but he has emphasized that no U.S. service members will step foot on the shore.
This begs the question of exactly who, and how are the “supplies” are going to move from the pier onto dry land. The US government partially addressed that obvious question by a statement from the Pentagon and U.S. Central Command who claimed that they are are presently “looking for partners to help establish a beachhead and anchor the floating pier to the beach”. “CENTCOM and DoD are working with partners over in the area. I’m not gonna go into the specifics of who we’re working with in order to anchor the pier, but we will have some assistance to be able to do that,” said the spokesman. He also said, “We will not be on the shore but we will be on the pier and that pier can extend anywhere out from shore from 800 feet up to 2000 feet.”
This is not an unprecedented type of mission. The US military regularly practices JLOTS missions during joint exercises, including last year at Talisman Sabre 2023, which included the same Army unit that will perform the aid mission to Gaza.
We here at The Cassandra Times note that this is a military operation that proposes to be conducted in historically Israeli controlled waters and terminating on Israeli controlled soil, by forces other than the Israeli Navy. Israel is presently waging a war in in this zone against terrorist forces that attacked Israeli land last October 7, torturing and murdering at least 1,200 civilians of Israeli and other nationalities.
Due to the war zone activity, like any country fighting a war, Israel has insisted that any “humanitarian” aid sent by third parties into the war zone must be pre-screened for items which would have military use to re-supply Hamas and other opposition forces. However, this amphibious plan has yet to make clear how, where, and when such screening can be done. All that has been revealed by US military spokespeople is that “We’re looking at different locations for [intermediate staging points] that are away from the area that would do the screening process for cargo before it gets on any U.S. vessel,” and that this is something they are working through right now. Nor has there been any information about who would be the US partner on the ground to facilitate getting the aid ashore. The US may even be anticipating that the shore personnel would be Hamas forces.
A joint statement from the United States, European Commission, and several other countries, announcing the maritime corridor last week, identified Cyprus as the lead for the Amalthea Initiative that would oversee “securely shipping aid” to Gaza. On Tuesday, an aid ship affiliated with a Spanish non-governmental organization left Cyprus to ferry food to Gaza, the Associated Press reported. Celebrity chef Jose Andres’s organization assembled the food package.
This overt story includes a number of factors which lead us at The Cassandra Times to the conclusion that it is at least partially false, and, thus, a cover for another activity the USA does not wish to publicly acknowledge at this time. The first and most obvious is that, if there was a genuine desire to simply provide humanitarian aid, the obvious and best route would be to run this operation through Israeli forces that are already on site. The nearby, large, well functioning Israeli ports of Tel Aviv and Haifa can easily unload and process nearly infinitely more aid supplies than an ad hoc military pier, being built in an active warzone. The Israeli government repeatedly points to the unlimited amounts of aid already being provided to the civilian population in Gaza, food, medical, shelter, and even emergency medical transportation to nearby Israeli hospitals. Israel’s attempts at distributing this aid are hampered by it being stolen by Hamas fighters.
If, however, the intent is not to aid the civilian population, but, rather, to help sustain Hamas in its fight against Israel, only then does the pier system makes sense. From Hamas’ standpoint, aid being delivered through Israel is undesirable because it would be structured to prevent the aid from being used in relieving the military elements of the siege. When delivered by the Israelis, the recipients must approach the Israeli authorities, giving the Israelis the opportunity to identify and arrest known Hamas terrorists and leadership elements. Further, the food and medical aid are delivered in “use now” fashion, so that they cannot be taken by those civilians intent on delivering them back to concealed Hamas personnel. This would be a problem only for the Hamas terrorists, who require the civilian population to remain as “human shields” against a more aggressive Israeli direct action where the Hamas terrorists are holed up.
Obviously, the proposed pier is, at the very least, designed to provide materials intended not for “aid”, but, rather, to prop up the Hamas fighting campaign, in a way similar to how US and Britain are supplying Ukraine in its battle against Russia. However, we don’t believe this is the primary purpose of the operation.
We believe that the current deployment of US military vessels is to evacuate key Hamas personnel, to save the Hamas organization from its total destruction to which Israel is committed after the horrific October 7th attack. There is specific, recent history in the Middle East that provides a clear precedent for the intent of this US action, and that is how another Palestinian terrorist organization, the Palestine Liberation Organization was rescued from Lebanon.
On August 28, 2022, the 40th anniversary of Yassir Arafat’s evacuation from Lebanon with his PLO fighters, I-24 News reporter May Ben-Zeev wrote the following retrospective history of that event:
In August 1982, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was firmly rooted in Beirut, but under siege by Israeli forces.
The PLO had been entrenched in south Lebanon, abutting Israel’s northern border, for years, launching cross-border attacks, and firing Katyusha missiles at northern Israel towns and villages.
On June 6, Israeli troops crossed the border, ostensibly to push the PLO back 25 miles, so its missiles could not threaten Israel. But the IDF pushed north all the way to Beirut and had been attacking the city from the sea, air and land, cutting off food, water and power.
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) secured several key locations overlooking the Lebanese capital, but still Beirut held out.
An agreement was finally reached on August 18, under which French troops would arrive in Beirut on August 21. They would be joined by US and Italian forces.
Their mission – to ensure the PLO leaves Beirut. The evacuation got underway on August 21, when several hundred PLO fighters boarded a ship for Cyprus. [emphasis added by The Cassandra Times]
In the following days, the evacuation picked up pace, and on August 30, it was the turn of PLO chieftain Yasser Arafat, wearing olive-green military fatigues and with his trade-mark black-and white checked keffiyeh headdress, to board a ship taking him from the city where the PLO had had its headquarters.
Some eight and a half thousand PLO members were sent to Tunisia. Another two and a half thousand ended up in other Arab states.
“I was a reporter for IDF Radio and we were about three people with plain clothes that morning,” remembered veteran newsman Jacob Eilon.
“When we came in, early in the morning, the IDF still controlled the port. But then the troops withdrew so the PLO people could board the ships. That was the deal brokered by the Americans. I was reporting live from a roof of a short building, and on the road just beneath, trucks loaded with PLO fighters start moving.
“Arafat had been in Israel’s crosshairs for years. According to reports, an Israeli sniper even had him in his sights during the siege of Beirut, but was under orders not to fire. Now though, the US was acting as his protector.
“The Americans had made it very clear not to try to take out Arafat because he was really in the crosshairs of the snipers more than once,” said Dr. Jacques Neriah, a former senior Israeli military intelligence officer who, attached to the Egyptian desk, was nonetheless sent to Beirut try and get leads on Israeli prisoners of war and missing in action.
Although Israel failed to kill Arafat, for the PLO, the evacuation from Beirut was a clear, painful loss. Among some Israeli officials, there was a feeling of triumph, but it was to be short-lived.
“We were at the height of our so-called victory. The PLO had been defeated,” Neriah told i24NEWS. “It was in fact, the total success of the Mossad (Israel’s intelligence agency) on the one hand and of the army on the other hand. We had cut the road between Beirut and Damascus and the Syrian army was also defeated in the area.”
“The PLO was obviously defeated, but it tried to put the best face on it. They wore fresh uniforms. They had red kaffiyehs, all of them holding their rifles on these crowded trucks. And the trucks then slowly drove all these people to those huge cruise liners from Greece or Cyprus. Big, holiday, white cruise ships. And the PLO people boarded ship after ship after ship, and they were coming into the port on the way to Tunis,” said Eilon.
In August 1982, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) was firmly rooted in Beirut, but under siege by Israeli forces.
The PLO had been entrenched in south Lebanon, abutting Israel’s northern border, for years, launching cross-border attacks, and firing Katyusha missiles at northern Israel towns and village.
We believe that the true, but covert, aim for the current operation announced by President Biden follows the same pattern as how Yassir Arafat and the PLO were rescued from Lebanon in 1982. It is apparent that the previous Obama administration priorities are still driving US foreign policy through his shadow governments presence within the present administration. Obama’s priorities are still inimical to Israel and Western allies, but intent on providing sustenance and succor to the most violent and barbarous enemies of Western civilization. The true, covert, aim for this operation is to rescue and evacuate Hamas leadership from Gaza, before they are completely wiped out by Israels forces, a task to which Israel committed itself in the aftermath of the October 7th atrocities.
That the vessels were launched from Joint Base Langley and include the use of craft that had been “retired” to the Maritime Ready Reserve (a common tactic by which the military provides specialized equipment to the CIA and the espionage community) are further indicators that this operation finds its roots in the Obama Shadow Government’s arm in the espionage community. It is likely that they are trying to rescue Hamas assets that, in reality, belong to them. The US espionage community seeks to conceal its own involvement in the planning, organization, and execution of the October 7th attacks, in the same way that it has been revealed that UNWRA United Nations personnel, and Associated Press stringers were directly involved in the attack.
We at The Cassandra Times also note that the final outcome of the US and European involvement in the 1982 Lebanon evacuation ended in the bombing of the US Marine Barracks there and killing over 200 US Marines. It also resulted in the eventual bombing of the US Embassy in Beirut, killing virtually all of the CIA’s experienced Middle East specialists for that entire generation of CIA people. One would think that such lessons learned in blood would cause the the Obama Shadow Government and its espionage community arm to consider modesty in their machinations and to reconsider developing familial relations with demons, if for no other reason than its own safety. An espionage organization that cannot distinguish friend from foe, because it is too clouded by domestic ideological fads, does no service to its sworn duty to protect American citizens, but, instead, poses a danger to itself and the American people.