President Trump to Debate Max Headroom
— by Odysseus
As former Vice President Joe Biden’s rare, brief appearances become ever more plagued with technical difficulties, stutters, and misstatements, it also becomes ever more clear that the Democrat Party will not let him debate President Trump live, on a stage, in front of an audience.
House speaker Nancy Pelosi recently stated that Joe Biden should not debate President Trump at all, as a way to stake out an extreme negotiating position, from which the Democrats can negotiate back to where the debate will be held under specific and unusual circumstances. The Democrats do not want to suffer the black eye that will occur when the public realizes that Joe Biden is utterly incapable of engaging in even one of the now de rigueur presidential debates. Thus, some clever facsimile of a debate must be manufactured.
In all likelihood, the Democrats will attempt to blame Biden’s unwillingness to have a traditional, in-person debate with President Trump on precautions against the Wuhan/Covid-19 virus. Instead, they will offer a kind of “virtual” debate. Biden will offer to debate President Trump in supposedly a video teleconference call from his basement, while President Trump will be expected to do the same.
The benefit that the Democrats and the Biden campaign hope to derive from this stratagem is that, under these conditions, candidate Biden can secretly receive the covert help he needs to actually get through a debate. Off camera, teams of researchers and coaches can prepare cue cards that he can read back as “answers” to any questions. Thus, he will not have to rely in real time on his own faulty memory, diminished vocabulary, or wit. He will instead merely read scripted responses, crafted by the most brilliant assistants and coaches that the Democrats’ Silicon Valley and Hollywood benefactors can buy. The Democrats’ campaign team hopes that they can stealthily use this Cyrano de Bergerac technique to make Joe Biden appear equal–or even superior–to President Trump. With both debate participants appearing to the public views on a split screen, they can successfully conceal the spoon-fed assistance that Biden will receive. As an added bonus, they will nullify the contrast with President Trump who will perform on his own, on the fly.
On television screens without an audience or a full view of their setting, they would both appear the same to the television audience as merely two talking heads in boxes. However, if President Trump’s campaign team was wise, it could deny Team Biden much of the advantage it hopes to attain.
If Team Trump agrees to a televised debate format that seeks to prevent the American public from truly viewing Joe Biden’s inability to stand at a podium and answer questions before a live audience, Team Trump must make sure that Biden’s handicap is inescapably obvious to any viewer. Rather than placing himself in the same setting as Joe Biden, on a screen that largely hides his surroundings, President Trump should stand at his own podium, in front of a live audience, regardless of whether Biden or the moderators are present. He can control placement of the cameras at his own site in the White House. The cameras should show that he is at a podium, that there is a live audience, and there would also be a large video screen of Joe Biden’s broadcast that would be placed on the stage next to President Trump.
If the Democratic Party wants to run a stuttering, technically glitchy “Max Headroom” as its candidate for President of the United States, then the public deserves a demonstration of the true nature of that choice. President Trump’s campaign team has the power to make that happen and we at The Cassandra Times fervently hope it will succeed.