— by Polydamas There can be no better and more poignant example of how the American left enforces conformity and compliance with its political and ideological diktats as in the above video. In this video, a young African-American boy of…
How and Why Hillary “Antoinette” Clinton Lost Her Political Head
— by Polydamas The history books tell us an apocryphal story about Marie Antoinette, the 18th century Queen of France who was married to King Louis XVI. When she was told that the French peasants were starving because they had…
Vote Against The Greater Evil, Hillary Clinton
— by Polydamas If Hillary Clinton is elected President of the United States on November 8, 2016 — or is selected into office by election fraud through a stealthy electronic hack of the vote tabulating computers — we can…
The Clintons Have Been Selling America to the Highest Bidder For Over 25 Years
— by Polydamas On August 24, 410 A.D., the complacent citizens of the city of Rome awoke in shock from their long slumber to find their city sacked by King Alaric I and his Visigoth hordes. The Roman Empire which…
Why Vote For Trump, In Hillary’s Own Words
From Hillary Clinton’s speech to Goldman Sachs three years ago, courtesy of Wikileaks: Businessmen in politics are “most often the people that look over the horizon, and therefore share a vision that many politicians of today lack. And that’s a…
Even If You Hate and Fear Donald Trump, You Must Vote For Him
— by Odysseus Even for liberals and moderates, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump represents the lesser of two evils in a way that America cannot yet even imagine. Trump is more a symbol than a man. He is living proof…