— By Odysseus
There has been a lot of head scratching and hand wringing about Israel’s “intelligence failure” to detect and interdict the Hamas attack from Gaza into Israel on October 7th, 2023, when Israelis were celebrating the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah, and the subsequent orgy of savagery that Hamas barbarians wrought on every bit of the civilian population they could reach. Some are even calling the atrocity Israel’s 9/11, which, of course, brings out the cynical skeptics who ask if it was self inflicted, as they claim about America’s 9/11.
The skepticism is warranted, but 9/11 was an action taken by a small, tightly knit group, whose means of attack and small footprint would have been difficult for espionage to detect. The limited number of people involved, the use of the existing commercial aviation platforms, and the lack of need to acquire weapon systems or coordinate actions in real-time made the 9/11 operation difficult for then standard espionage methods to detect.
In contrast, Hamas’ October 7th, 2023 attack on Israeli civilians involved hundreds, if not thousands, of attackers, planners, coordinators, logistics people, and supplies. This was a large scale, high footprint, attack, physically launched from a known, closely monitored, hostile territory, launched over secured geographic borders. Precisely what intelligence professionals are trained to ferret out.
The 9/11 theorists are wrong to think there is a parallel, making this espionage failure a deliberate one on the part of its Israeli victims. It Is far more likely that it was a stab in the back by an ally. There are many reasons to believe that this attack may have been facilitated by elements within the USA espionage/foreign policy apparatus, elements placed by Barack Obama and his coterie.
The State Controlled Media are drawing parallels with the intelligence failure at the start of Israel’s 1973 Yom Kippur war, which took place exactly 50 years ago. While there are certainly parallels, the critical analysis has not honed in on what is truly important about these parallels. To wit, the eventual outcome of the Yom Kippur war on Israeli politics.
Someone is trying to create a similar circumstance, in order to bring down the Israeli government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, just as the intelligence failures preceding the surprise attacks of the Yom Kippur War brought down Israel’s then-Prime Minister Golda Meir’s government. Here, that is the primary objective for the attack with this timing. It is possible, maybe even likely that elements within the US security/espionage apparatus were responsible.
The factors that suggest that this attack was their proxy war on Israel, seeking a “regime change” are as follows:
First, it is no secret that America’s current President Joe Biden is merely a proxy for Barack Obama and his government. This has been done much as Dmitry Medvedev served as Russia’s President from 2008 to 2012 as a mere place holder for Vladimir Putin, when Putin was constitutionally ineligible to serve a third consecutive term. The overwhelming majority of Biden’s influential advisors and White House staff are re-treads from the Obama years and they still follow the directives of the former President, not Biden’s. This is what Obama and his people have always wanted, and, functionally, this is his third term as President. It is publicly known that Obama deeply sympathized with the Iranian regime, and was multifarious in his attempts to get “regime change” in Israel, against Netanyahu. This is what Obama’s people have always wanted, and the effort continued in his third term through his Biden proxy.
During the Biden and Obama presidencies, American political elements have tried and failed to effect “regime change” on Netanyahu through multifarious attempts at election meddling, color revolution, and lawfare. Since history shows that the Yom Kippur war surprise attack brought down Golda Meir’s government, it’s reasonable to assume that the Obama cabal are now attempting to repeat that history, by replicating a smaller scale version of that attack.
They hope that in the same way the appearance of intelligence failures before the Yom Kippur War surprise attacks brought down Prime Minister Golda Meir’s government, so too the Obama cabal is hoping that history will repeat itself and bring down Benjamin Netanyahu’s government.
The United States JUST paid Iran 6 billion dollars to Iran. The timing is not a coincidence. The money could have been an incentive to get Iran to encourage Hamas to launch the attack right now, or it could have been compensation for the damages Iran will likely take when, in order to provide cover for US espionage involvement, they claim full responsibility, drawing the retaliation to themselves. We know for a fact that there has up until very recently, close, backdoor, coordination between Obama elements within the US national security apparatus, the Democrat party, and Iran. (See Tablet Magazine, and the Wall Street Journal, documenting recent espionage exposures and trials) There is significant open source reporting on US officials caught by tracking of their email coordination with Iran.
The only way that Hamas could have organized and implemented this attack, on this scale, in secret, is if the United States gave them the technology and safe spaces to do so. In addition, the United States espionage community would have needed to deceive Israel by sending reassuring bogus “intel” to the Israelis, so as to allay the scrutiny raised by Egyptian warnings of an impending attack.
There is one place where Israeli intelligence emphatically does not tread and that is the American espionage community. Ever since the Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard was caught spying for Israel, there has been an iron-clad rule within the Israeli spy community that absolutely no espionage can be done against a US target. Even back then, Pollard was a “walk-in” volunteer spy, who was accepted as a source in violation of even then-existing guidelines about not conducting operations against a US target. Israel was always extremely cautious about about spying on its most important ally–and those fears were proven justified in the Pollard case. The diplomatic consequences of getting caught are too great a risk, so, after the Pollard affair, this guideline became an almost religious rule within Israel’s spy world.
One consequence of this firm policy is that the American espionage world and establishment have been the one place/area that is safe to do the mass planning, organization, communication, and coordination necessary to launch an attack of this scale. It appears that some walled off “silo’d” element within the American diplomatic/espionage apparatus, that is totally loyal to the Obama agenda of re-making the Middle East around Iran, provided everything Hamas needed to plan, organize, and implement this attack. They may have even provided a secure headquarters from which to run and launch the operation. If an attack of this scale had been planned and run from within Iran or any other Arab country, Israel’s spies would have known about it. If the attack was planned by Germany or France or Russia or Gaza or the West Bank, Israel’s spies would have alerted Israel in advance.
The most secure, and, thus, most likely, origin point would be one provided by elements within the United States espionage community. The US espionage community has long harbored individuals, who despise Israel and Israelis, thus, the Obama loyalists would have found fertile ground and willfully blind eyes among whom to hide. They would have provided secure communications technology, operational planning, even SCIFs (secure information facilities), and real-time coordination, all courtesy of the United States of Obama.
From observation of the weapons and equipment used by Hamas in the attacks, much of them appear to be NATO weapons, originating in their intentional abandonment by the Biden/Obama Administration in Afghanistan. They may even be weapons that were allegedly sent to “Ukraine”.
Finally, it should be noted that while long withholding its condemnation of the attacks, and actually having to retract a State Department release that called for Israel to exercise “restraint” in its retaliation to the atrocities, the White House threw a barbecue party for White House “staff” on Saturday.
This appears to have been victory” party, a “mission accomplished” celebration.
A good start to unraveling this plot would be a Freedom of Information (“FOIA”) lawsuit to get the guest list of that celebratory barbecue party, to see whose presence it reveals. Any attempt to subvert, divert, or hide that information would also go a long way toward proving the true intent of that party. If it was not a “victory party”, then why would the identities of the guests be kept secret?
The last disturbing element of this scenario would be to determine if overly political, anti-Netanyahu elements within Israel’s own espionage network have formed pro-American/Obama cells within itself, who in turn cooperated with Obama’s espionage apparatus to effect “regime change” in Israel and get rid of Netanyahu.