America Should Be Furious

— by Patrokles

What I want to know is why people aren’t furious. Blind mad with blood-red rage when they see “movie stars” advocating for “gun control”. These people, with fabulous wealth with which to hire body guards, demanding we give up our only means of protection? These pampered imbeciles, living in lush, gated communities with extensive security systems, demanding that the little middle-class people not be able to even protect themselves? From positions of fabulous wealth to pursue whatever esoteric hobbies they desire, demanding to restrict a hobby of the working class and rural people? These puffing, privileged poltroons, with enough fame to have their every utterance listened to, demanding that we give up the only real “power” we have? How dare they?!


What I want to know is how news commentators, petty celebrities that they are, have the audacity to pontificate on how average, law abiding, tax-paying citizens must surrender their guns to the omnipotent, capricious, arrogant, and vengeful government. From the safety of their celebrity status, the tiny handful of people that politicians actually listen to dare to tell the rest of us, the peasants that our pitchforks are too sharp and we should hand them over before somebody gets hurt? I think I know who they are worried about, and it’s not “the children”.


What I want to know is why people aren’t calling for blood when powerful plutocrats like Warren Buffet, or the Facebook punk Mark Zuckerberg utter a single word about taking guns away from regular people. How dare they?! When they can buy anything they want, go anywhere they want, have anything (or anyone) they desire, do anything they want, purchase legislation specific to their own needs and desires from any level of government they happen to need it from, yet they dare to demand that actual regular citizens surrender even the last token of their status as a citizen rather than being mere serfs to their lords and masters?


What I want to know is why Senators and Congressmen aren’t ripped from their cars to be torn limb from limb when they have the audacity, the sheer arrogance to speak out against their own constituents right to have, use, trade, sell or own a “nerfed”, “civilianized” firearm of any kind. They collect salaries at least double that of the vast majority of the people who vote for them. They have exempted themselves from Social Security, the Obamacare health system they imposed on us, and a whole host of actions that would be federal crimes for us “little folk”. They get a comfy retirement pay for life, regardless of how little (or how badly) they legislate on our behalf or against us. They become fabulously wealthy investing in companies they legislate into success while being exempt from insider trading laws. They don’t even have to pay parking tickets. Yet they dare to say we have too many privileges, that law-abiding citizens are “dangerous”, and need to have our semi-auto, pretend-military rifles taken or restricted from us because of the occasional nut case? How bold they are! How utterly contemptuous they are of the regular citizens that they don’t trust us with the tiny bit of power we retain. They act as though we are stupid enough not to see their disdain for our safety, our hobbies, and our “freedom”.


The famous, the wealthy, the powerful, and our “betters” now feel compelled to tell us to surrender our arms for OUR own safety? What poppycock!

Last Fig Leaf of Freedom